Friday, October 16, 2009

Back again!

Hey all I'm back. This time I have a lot on my mind.

1st is the NFL and what a season it has been to this point. So many surprises not the least of which is that the Broncos are 5-0 and the Bengals are 4-1. I don't know of ANYONE that saw this happening. The Broncos have posted wins over the Patriots and the Cowboys already and have a 2 game lead over San Diego in the division. WOW! The Bengals have been playing great defense, as have the Broncos, and their only loss was an opening day loss to the Broncos on the final minute! they could be 5-0. On the flip side I don't which team is worse the Rams or the Raiders? The Rams have been shut out twice already and have scored a whopping 34 points in 5 games. That's less than 7 points per game! That's BAD! The Raiders haven't been much better. Yes they've won a game but it's hard to see how! They've scored 29 points over their last 4 games and have been absolutely DREADFUL on offense. JaMarcus Russell has been HORRIBLE! The Raiders have a lot of problems everywhere on their team and better straighten them out if they hope to turn the franchise around in the next few seasons.

In MLB the LCS' have begun and the Dodgers vs. Phillies is shaping up to be a great series so far. Both team have a lot of heart and a never give up attitude that is so important this time of year. I can't wait to see how this one ends up. The Angels vs. the Yankees has all the makings of another great series in their great rivalry! Who will win, I don't know but it'll be fun to watch!

In College football the Trojans look like they've righted their ship after their slip up against Washington. Notre Dame and the rest of the Pac -10 petter watch out! As for the UCLA Bruins it looks like they're still trying to find out who they are. Kevin Prince looked horrible against Oergon. The Bruins looked out of it at the begining of the 2nd half, otherwise played a good game against Oregon. The defense played really well. They need to move the ball a little more consistantly.

The NBA is right around the corner. I'm looking for a return trip to the Finals from the Lakers and a postseason appearance by the Clippers this year!

In Wrestling TNA's Bound for Glory is this weekend and I can't wait. This PPV always brings a surprise or 2 and I can't wait to see what happens this year. Great card that could rival any PPV card I've seen. AJ Styles vs Sting, Samoa Joe vs. Bobby Lashley, TBP vs Sarita and Taylor Wilde, Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan and more! I'm really excited for this one, PLUS it's here in California!

That's it for now. Be Back soon!!!

Hoping for a Dodger vs. Angels World Series!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Been away too long!!!!

Hello all! Now that my computer is fixed I can resume!

1st up how great is it that football is back?! I love college football! The UCLA Bruins have shown a really toughness the 1st two weeks of the season. They had a very grittty performance vs Tennessee this past weekend! The defense was great! I know Tennessee isn't what they used to be, but they're still in the SEC! At least everyone always says how tough the SEC is so a PAC-10 team going to an SEC teams' home and beating them is HUGE! Congrats to UCLA. And how good has Kevin Prince looked the 1st two weeks. Get healthy Kevin and hurry back!

USC looked great defensively last week at Ohio St. They really took away OSU's weapons and held them in check all night! Matt Barkely took his lumos in that game and still engineered a great drive at the end for the win! Joe McKnight finally looked like the player that they said he would be out of high school. If he is turning into the back they said he would then look out. And sorry SC fans but I'm not counting the San Jose St game!

College Football (General)
I really have to give credit to Ohio St though as they are one of the ONLY schools that still schedules big games out of conference! I'm so sick of seeing Florida vs Troy, or Oklahoma vs. Idaho St. Whatever happened to playing in the BIG GAMES!? Playing big games in Conference or in a Bowl Game you don't belong in doesn't count! You HAVE to play your conference so I don't give you a pass just because you play in the SEC or BIG 12. Memo to you: Your conferences aren't THAT GOOD outside of 1 or 2 teams. And don't tell me well rivalry games are always a toss up. In that case Notre Dame should be given a pass as every game they play seems to be some kind of rivalry! Suck it up. grow a pair and start scheduling some tougher out of conference opponents. I don't like the BCS system but they should bring back strength of schedule! Then maybe we'd get to see some good games instead of waiting til the "rivalry game" or the Bowl game to see one.

I was really impressed with what I saw from the Raiders and Bills in week 1. They both looked very strong in defeat. Mark Sanchez had a good 1st game with the Jets. He played better than he did in the preseason, but it's only 1 game. He will have his struggles as did Tom Brady, Peyton Manning and Tony Romo. Sanchez has a great career ahead of him. My winners this week were The Saints - Great offensive game against Detroit, The Cowboys - Looked good vs Tampa Bay, and Philidelphia - awesome vs Panthers. Losers this week - Jake Delhomme, Jay Cutler, The Arizona Cardinals! Play of the week - The tipped pass at the end of the Broncos vs Bengals game. 2 bad teams with a miracle ending for the Broncos. What a week in the NFL!

With the season winding down the Dodgers are playing better this last week or so. Starting to make a strong push toward the playoffs. I loved the additions of Thome, Garland, and Padilla. The Dodgers could be dangerous in the playoffs. The road to the World Series in the NL still goes through St Louis! They have it all! In the AL the Yankees are the class of the league. However the Red Sox are getting hot, and if the Angels can get by Boston they seem to own the Yankees! It should be a great finish!

Hockey and NBA are both starting up soon! Can't wait for that! Can you imagine a lineup of Kobe, Artest, Odom, Gasol, and Bynum on the floor at the same time? Who can match that? Should be fun to watch!

In Wrestling I love the World Elite storyline in TNA. I think they're more exciting than the Main Event Mafia! Good young group of guys there. I've always liked AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels but I reall am starting to like Hernandez as a singles wrestler. I was skeptic at first but he has proven me wrong! He is going to be a HUGE STAR before all is said and done in his career! In WWE I really enjoyed seeing Trish Stratus come back for one night. She really gave the show a boost and the Divas a boost. I love the DX vs. Legacy angle and the fact that Legacy is going over. I never expected that! They're really putting Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase on the map! And can we please get someone new in the title picture? I'm so tired of Randy Orton, John Cena, Triple H all the time! Let's get some new people a shot. How about Christian? Or MVP? Or even Chris Jericho? And enough with the Undertaker always getting screwed out of a title! Come on already. CM Punk has been a good champion and a great heel turn! I'd like to see his fued with Taker last a little longer. Oh and one other thing, enough with these stipulation PPVs! There's already too many PPVs and not they're all going to have a gimmick? I remember when stipulations and titles used to mean something special but now they seem to be nothing more than a prop. Let's go back to using them only when needed and not all the time!

Lastly the I wanted to say that what Kanye West did to Taylor Swift was classless and disrepectful! When will Kanye just shut his mouth. He's a talented musician but comes off as a very classless individual. I'm not a Taylor Swift fan but she won give the girl her moment! It was HER moment Kanye, not yours! My hat goes off to Beyonce for showing what class is! She showed everyone the type of person she is! It makes you wonder if Beyonce can be so classy and respectful during HER moment then why can't we'll be that kind to each other? Also wanted to say RIP Patrick Swayze. You will be missed!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Update heading in August

Hello everyone! Hope you're staying cool in this hot time of the year. On to my thoughts on a few things going on in sports.

In the NBA the big story locally continues to be Lamar Odom. Is it just me or is this story seemingly getting just old. I'm sorry Lamar Odom is a decent player, but he is NOT going to be the difference maker in whether the Lakers win another championship next year or not. He is not an All Star! All we've ever heard about Odom is he has all this potential, but has he ever lived up to it? NO! He has flashes of brilliance but is not consistent enough to get upset over this contract situation. He was reportedly offered a 3 year 27 million dollar deal and said no. He would've been 32 and in the prime of his career when that contract expired and would've been in a great postion to win a few championships with the Lakers. I say if he's going to be this wishy washy over the number of years (he wants 5 Lakers offered 3) then go to Miami where he will crumble under the pressure of having to once again be the number 2 scorer on that team, which is something he had problems with here in LA with KOBE BRYANT! Lamar it's time for you to decide what's more important to you, the championships or the money? I hope he stays in LA but will not be losing any sleep if he goes back to Miami.

With the trading deadline coming up this Friday there is a lot of speculation as to what the Dodgers and Angels are going to do. I really don't think the Dodgers should "mortgage the farm" to get Roy Halladay or Cliff Lee. I really don't think they should go after Cliff Lee period. He's a very good pitcher but then the Dodgers would have 3 left handed starters in their starting rotation and that could be a problem vs a team like ST. Louis or the Phillies, although that would help against the Phillies a little with Ryan Howard and Chase Utley.I'd like to see the Dodgers get some middle relief and the Angels do nothing as they are now getting healthy and playing well. Maybe they could use a bat, sound familiar, but I think they're in good shape. All in all I think Cliff Lee WILL get traded but Halladay will stay in Toronto!

In the NFL there are 2 topics that are burning up the air waves:
1) Michael Vick
With Michael Vick being released from prison and partialy reinstated by the NFL the question is should anyone sign him? I say they should if they think he will help their team! I have no problem with Vick being suspended by Roger Goodell (NFL Commisioner). I also don't think PETA should have ANY say as to what Michael Vick should do to satisfy them to leave him alone. What right does PETA have to tell anyone how to live? I have NO problem with ANYONE that wants to fight for animal rights, in fact I think everyone should do what they can to help animals. However I do NOT think that PETA or any other organization has any right to demand Michael Vick do anything to satisfy them except for his potential employer, THE NFL! Michael Vick has severed his debt to society now leave him alone, and if anyone does sign him then let him do what he does on the field. Boo or cheer if you want but let him play!

2) Bret Favre
I am so glad that Bret Favre has decided to stay retired. He should've stayed retired last year I'm just really tired of the drama of is he or isn't he? It's just so played out. He was a GREAT player and a 1st ballot Hall Of Famer, but it's time to go. If he doesn't want to put the time in then stay away. However I wouldn't be surprised if he is back in the NFL by seasons' end.

Lastly Wrestling
Night of Champions was very surprising to me! I did not expect any title changes right before Summerslam let alone 3! Congratulations to all the new Champions! I am also very surprised at how well the guest hosts for RAW have been doing. At first I thought it would be horrible but I am the first to admit I was wrong. It's been done very well! I'm glad to see Taz back on TV in TNA also. I can't wait to see where his storyline takes him. A big Welcome Back to Traci Brooks! I'm glad she's back! I'm also very intrigued to see where this Main Event Mafia vs Bobby Lashley storyline is going. Hernandez, Sting, Lashley, Mick Foley, and Beer Money vs the MEM will be great to see play out!

Take Care everyone!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey everyone. Sorry it's been a while, but with the move and everything it's taken a while to get settled. Ok so here we go

On the NBA:
Congratulations to the Lakers for winning the Championship. They looked really good against Orlando. Is it me or did Dwight Howard look kind of ordinary in that series? I don't think he did anything to establish himself as the best center in the NBA today. I just wasn't impressed with him.

As far as ree agent signings and trades I love the Lakers signing of Ron Artest! I think he's going to give them that little bit of attitude they need. I also think this move will help free Kobe up a little defensively and allow him to be able to reelance a little more.

As far as other moves, I like Rasheed Wallace to Boston, Shaq to Cleveland and the Clippers getting rid of Zach Randolph. I don't think Trevor Ariza to Houston, Hedo Turkeglu to Toronto or Richard Jefferson to the Spurs were that good but we'll have to wait and see. And to Lamar Odom, sign your deal with the Lakers! He played great in the playoffs for the irst time in his career just in time to become a free agent. Hmmm, interesting. He has NEVER been consistent in his career and folds at big moments. If the Lakers are offering a deal in the 3 year 28 million dollar range he should sign. If not see ya Lamar and enjoy watching another victory parade here in LA next year.

On to MLB:
At the halfway point of the year the biggest surprise to me is the Dodgers having the best record in Baseball. I thought they would hit, but the pitching has been better than I thought. The bullpen has been great! Even without Manny the Dodgers have shown they could win. I expected Boston, The Yankees,and Tampa Bay to got at it in the AL East, but I didn't expect the Texas Rangers to play this well. When did Andruw Jones learn to hit again? He's my pick for AL comeback player of the year at this point. My hat's off to Mike Scoiscia and the Angels. With everything they have been through and they're still leading their division, that's a statement about that team and organization! Scoiscia is my pick for AL Manger of the Year. Here's to a great 2nd half!

I'm also very glad that the NFL starts later this month. How I've missed football!

In wrestling
I'm really glad that Tara (formerly Victoria in the WWE) is getting her chance to shine in TNA! I really felt that she was not used well in the last year or so in the WWE. I also really like a lot of the fueds that are going on. I love Chris Jericho vs Rey Mysterio! I thought The Miz and John Cena could've gone further. Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk has classic written all over it. I'm really bummed that Edge got hurt as I really love watching his matches! In TNA I like the Samoa Joe heel turn and Sting finally leaving The Main Event Mafia but what happened to the Front Line? When are going to see a group come together and fight them? Sting is an Obvious choice to lead a group now, but who will join him? AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, and Daniels? So it would basically be a trade of Joe for Sting? Not sure how that worked but I never bought Sting as a heel.

Lastly Harper's Island
If you saw this show then you'll understand how great it was. I loved how every week you had someone looking more and more like the killer and then something happening to make you think it was someone else. I did figure out it was Henry but really didn't like the storyline of John Wakfield being alive and the last 30 minutes of the finale being Henry holding Abbey hostage, her getting away twice and Henry proclaiming his love for his half sister. Didn't get that one. All in all however it was a great show! I can't wait to buy it on DVD.

That's all for now. Until next week.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

NBA Finals and Dodgers

Hey everyone!
The Lakers look to be in control of theses NBA Finals! Up 2 - 0 in the series they have a really tight grip on Orlando so far. They are playing their best basketball of the season, and at the right time. Tonight they got the stops they needed and scored when they needed to. The cincern however is to get over confident! Orlando is NOT going to lay down and hand the Lakers the title! Orlando can get right back into this series if they sweep the Lakers in Orlando, so don't get overly excited yet Laker fans! It's not over til it's done. I must say I love Kobes' determination and passion!. I hope the rest of the team continues to follow his example and not be happy until they win 2 more games! They should win at least 1, if not 2 in Orlando. It appears that the Lakers will be back on top of the NBA for the 9th time since 1980. Go Lakers!

In MLB the Dodgers are playing GREAT! I really like this team. The pitching has been solid, and the team seems to have a never give up attitude. They also have a flare for late game heroics that makes them exciting! With the best record in baseball it appears that the sky could be the limit for this team. Orlando Hudson has been by far the best acquisition of the offseason. He's played stellar defense and given the Dodgers timely hitting. And hats off to Juan Pierre who has played wonderfully in place of Manny! Pierre's contributions to this club can not be underestimated! Broxton has really gotten going in the closers role also. This is an exciting team with youth and veteran leadership that has the chance of going deep into the playoffs. Let's hope that they can keep this going! Let's go Dodger Blue!

Later this week I'll be talking more NBA Finals, WWE Extreme Rules and storylines, and giving my opinion on my new favorite non sports show Harper's Island. Til then, See Ya!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Intro/ NBA Finals

Hello everyone!. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Luis and I am a HUGE sports fan. I also enjoy playing basketball, golf, poker and on my XBOX 360. I will be on here at least once a week to give you my takes on the goings on in the sports world, as well as WWE and TNA wrestling. I hope you enjoy the commentary.
On to the NBA Finals. The Lakers look like the team to beat by taking care a Denver in a decisive game 6 win at Denver. The Lakers played arguably their best game of the playoffs. However Orlando did beat the Lakers twice in the regular season and could hold a mental edge on the Lakers. My prediction? Lakers in 7. It should be a hard fought series. I will be back later this week to break down the series and talk MLB and the Dodgers!
Til Next time!
